For all applying students:
For Jordanian Students:
For Non-Jordanian Students:
All required documents must be submitted along with the Admission Application Form, in order for an Entrance Exam and Personal Interview to be scheduled.
Entrance exams are given in core subjects, based on what students should have learned in previous years at school. They are meant to help assess a student’s academic abilities, level and needs. The quality of the exam is proportional to the academic stage which the student is enrolled in.
The Kindergarten’s Principal or one of the KG administrators evaluates the child’s basic skills through a personal interview. Educational games are used during the interview to assess cognitive skills (ordering, sorting, classification, matching …)
The interviewer also asks the child questions to evaluate his/her linguistic skills (sentence formation/letter pronunciation), and his/her ability to understand and follow simple instructions.
Children graduating from NOS Kindergarten and moving on to Grade 1 at our school do not need to sit for an entrance exam but are enrolled based on a written recommendation from the KG Administration, according to their skills, cognitive and behavioral performance.
Incoming KG students interested in joining Grade 1 at NOS have to sit for an entrance exam. When evaluating students in this stage, special consideration is given to the fact that students in lower grades are still building their academic skills and capabilities. Students are evaluated on their ability to focus, speak, cognitive skills and performance.
Students sit for entrance exams in core subjects (Arabic Language, English Language, Math, Physics for eleventh scientific stream).
Students are evaluated on their basic skills and knowledge previously acquired during the previous stages. These exams aim to evaluate students’ abilities and identify their academic level and provide guidance and support once accepted at school.
All applications for grades 1-8 are reviewed and discussed by the Students Admissions Subcommittee consisting of the School’s Principal, Heads of Stages, School’s Counselor and Admissions Officer. The committee submits their recommendations of applicants for grades 9-12 to the admissions committee at OES.
All applications for grades 9-12 are reviewed and discussed by the Admissions Committee at NOS which consists of representative of school committee at OES, School’s Principal and Admissions Officer.
When reviewing the applications, the recommendations of the Heads of Stages, Admissions Officer and other concerned are taken into consideration according to the following criteria:
The application review process usually takes 2-3 weeks from the date of Personal Interview.
The Admissions Officer notifies the parents of the Admissions Committee decision by phone and e-mail.
Parents of students who are not accepted can submit an appeal addressed to the Student Admissions Committee through the Admissions Officer for reconsideration of the Application, if there are justifiable reasons to do so.
Students can also reapply the following year.
The Admissions Officer provides newly accepted students and their parents with an information packet containing information and instructions about:
At the beginning of each school year, special NOS e-mail accounts are set-up for the families of new students, as well as a special account in the name of each student.
Students and parents should be sure to check their school e-mail daily, as it is used to keep everyone updated with all school and stage announcements and communication. For assistance with e-mail username, password and set up, please contact:
Technical Support Supervisor (064787863 / 0795969444) during working hours.