Stage (7-9)
We at The National Orthodox School AlAshrafiyeh stage (7-9) seek to provide our students with the required and sufficient knowledge, skills, and values.
This stage focuses on helping students to:
- Instill loyalty, belonging, and pride in their Homeland-Jordan and Arab nationalism.
- Introduce the Jordanian society and culture to students to enable them to form positive social trends, and develop effective participation in a changing society.
- Integrate spiritual, cultural, and artistic activities to achieve balanced physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental growth.
- Prepare them to succeed in life by providing opportunities and facilities to enable individuals with different abilities to pursue education in upcoming stages according to their inclinations and desires.
- Boost their self-confidence as independent thinkers, looking forward for social engagement and cooperation, balancing between freedom and responsibility.
- Equip them with knowledge related to physical growth and form a positive attitude towards building and protecting their bodies and practicing healthy habits.
- Equip them with knowledge, attitudes and skills that help them accept themselves, develop self-control, and take on responsibility.
- Guide them to the basics of knowledge, identify sources and create a positive trend towards scientific thinking and promote their abilities to practice learning and collaboration.
- Explore their preferences, desires, willingness and abilities to guide these inclinations and capabilities towards what is beneficial for themselves and their society.
- Support their health, social, and environmental awareness and provide opportunities to discuss contemporary issues so as to help them develop their objective rational awareness.
- Boost their basic language communication skills and upgrade them to linguistic and literary appreciation and creative expression.
- Develop scientific thinking and its related values, enrich the dictionary of scientific terms, and reinforce the information and the principles of science and math.
Secondary Stage
The secondary education stage (grades 10-12) seeks to strengthen the connections between school and real life where students strive to acquire knowledge and skills that qualify them to choose their path in their higher education or enter the labor market, equipped with concepts, theoretical and applied knowledge in the fields of culture, science, and technology.
This stage focuses on students to:
- Instill loyalty, belonging, and pride in the Jordanian and Arab national identity.
- Be trained to abide by the values of citizenship, associated with national and humanitarian identity.
- Understand the essence of religions and their role in the spiritual, moral and integrity of the individual.
- Recognize the importance of values, ethical humanitarian principles, practice them, respect others and consolidate the foundations of coexistence.
- Understand the concept of rights, duties and regulations, practice them responsibly to express their opinions within the limits of the law.
- Empower them with basic concepts of Jordan’s social, economic and political system to practice the role of a responsible citizen with integrity.
- Understand concepts and theories in the fields of culture, science, and technology to effectively utilize any new developments that arise skillfully.
- Develop the ability to identify and analyze challenges and problems with scientific methodology through systematic thinking and scientific research and the ability to solve them.
- Provide opportunities for spiritual, athletic, cultural, and artistic activities to achieve balanced growth in terms of physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects, enabling them to choose the appropriate academic or vocational path.
- Deepen understanding of sustainable development issues through embracing and practicing public health principles and preserve the surrounding environment and the universe.
- Equip them with lifelong learning skills and the way to approach and apply information in their post-secondary education.
- Innovate, create, appreciate aesthetic manifestation, and interact with cultural, scientific, and technological achievements positively.
- Respect productivity in work and consider it a major value in their lives and society.
- Realize the importance of the family in developing and serving the community and the necessity to organize it.
- Master communication skill in languages as cultural and civilized interaction tool.