Welcome Message

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Thank you for your interest in our school. We are pleased to welcome you to our official website of the National Orthodox School, AlAshrafiyeh.


The National Orthodox School is a distingushed educational institution which was established on one of the seven mountains of Amman (Mount AlAshrafiyeh) to  fulfill  the mission of our  mother organization, the Orthodox Educational Society (OES), that has been dedicated to this mission since 1986 until it was relocated to its current building in 1990 to serve the surrounding community and the nation at large because it firmly believes that every individual has the right to receive the education that meets their needs and abilities in a sheltered, healthy and innovative educational environment, regardless of social, cultural, or financial status led by positive, open-minded, knowledgable and educated staff who believe that learning is a lifelong approach within an effective and distinguished community and national engagement.


The National Orthodox School, AlAshrafiyeh, aims to ensure K-12 students following the National Academic Stream. The school aspires to build interactive learners equipped with life skills in communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity with emphasis on ethical, cultural, and human values and empowering them to integrate with the rapid scientific and technological changes and use them in their practical lives.


To achieve our goals, we follow a cognitive approach that aims to stimulate our students to maximize their full potentials, achieve their aims, and instill confidence in them to expand their horizon and take on responsibilities in a fast growing world that is full of challenges.


 The first step is to provide a systematic cumulative knowledge and cognitive educational approach in which learners acquire the spirit of scientific research, the ability to experiment and innovate and the ability to connect knowledge with life experiences.


This knowledge is not achievable unless it is transformed into a skill. Therefore, we work on learners to invest their knowledge skillfuly to enable them to determine how to learn, rather than  what to learn, in order to promote their abilities in critical thinking and innovativity to succeed in life,  face life challenges, and solve problems in an originative way.


As of our priorities in working with learners is the "self-knowledge" in order to build  well-rounded and integrated personalities in terms of human, ethical, and social aspects so as to communicate positively with others.


Finally, we care about knowing what the learner will become, as it is the knowledge that crystallizes and develops every learner and gives each stage of their educational journey its due in evaluating what has been provided to them to achieve their future and become conscious learners possessing life skills, success and work ethics to contribute in creating a better and more peaceful world.


To achieve the success of this path, we focus on values that we consider as solid foundation upon which our institution is built. These values lie at  the heart of everything  we do which are dervied from the human values based on love, respect, openness and coexistence. We nurture learners with a true understanding of freedom, in addition to their personal success, according to their potentials and abilities, to become open-minded global citizens, aware that the truth does not only  exist in the boundaries of their own culture, but also exists  beyond their surroundings.


It is a great pleasure, after your virtual visit to our website, to welcome you and your children to a real visit to our educational instituation. So welcome to the National Orthodox School, AlAshrafiyeh.


                                                                                                                                    The School Principal

                                                                                                                                    Dr. Maysoon Akroush