Our Philosophy

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The National Orthodox School - AlAshrafiyeh adopts the principle of holistic education. This means that we view students as complete individuals, with their physical, mental, and spiritual aspects interconnected with their upbringing and education, both at home and at school, as well as their interactions with the world around them. Our goal is to empower students to contribute to the development of a better society. Therefore, our efforts are integrated to create a positive school environment, ensuring their success in life and the future.




  1. We strive to create an educational environment that equips students with the necessary skills to thrive in an ever-changing world.
  2. Our top priorities encompass the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of our learners.
  3. We embrace diversity, foster creativity and self-expression, and instill values of ethics, compassion, and empathy.
  4. We actively promote and preserve Jordanian and Arab heritage as a cornerstone of our educational philosophy, which encompasses morals, tolerance, and a global outlook.
  5. We rely on the "School Code of Conduct" to guide learners towards personal and collective discipline and responsibility.
  6. We regularly review educational outcomes to adapt to rapidly evolving social, economic, and technological conditions.
  7. We view the mind as a tool for individual growth and development, beyond being a vessel for knowledge.
  8. We adopt a scientific approach that integrates education with real-life experiences.
  9. We have a clear understanding and we give full support for the differentiation among learners in all aspects of their personalities.
  10. We aim to professionally and ethically prepare students for a fulfilling life.

11. Collaboration between school and parents is vital for a student's educational journey and overall happiness.

12. We are committed to the principle of "We learn to teach" for both our administrative and educational staff, as well as our students.