University Counselling

The University Counsellors at NOS advise our high school students on which subjects are best for them to take based on each student’s capabilities, interests and entry requirements to universities in the Middle East, Canada, US, Europe, UK and Australia. They also provide resources to help students prepare for standardised tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, ACT, LNAT, UKCAT and BMAT.


The University Counsellors help our Seniors (Grade 12) find universities that are the best fit for them with regard to entry qualifications, affordability and degree options that match their capabilities, interests and potential. They also help guide students to choose specialisations that might maximise their opportunities in the local job market. 


In addition, our counsellors provide guidance to students throughout the application process from assisting them in filling out university applications, to writing recommendations for them, to brainstorming ideas and supporting them while writing university essays.


Our counsellors host several university fairs throughout the school year, making sure students from Grades (10-12) attend and take full advantage of the knowledge they will gain about entry requirements, degree options, scholarship opportunities and student life. They also take Seniors and Juniors to visit local universities in order to see what is available within Amman.


One-on-one University counseling sessions are available by appointment only in order to give our dear students and their parents the time and attention needed.


For more information or to make a consultation appointment

NOS University Counsellor – Sabrina Salameh, Tel: +962-6-560 8500, Ext 113

The NOS University Counselling Office is located on the 4th Floor near the Grades (6-12) Library.